In 2017 manufacturing represented approximately 21 % of the EU’s GDP and 20 % of its employment, providing over 30M jobs in 250k enterprises, mostly SMEs.
The forming manufacturing industry produces a high percentage of the metallic and polymer components of industrial interest. Examples are additive manufacturing, sheet stamping, casting, welding, forging, machining, rolling and extrusion. The numerical study of these processes is intrinsically multidisciplinary, as it involves nonlinearities, frictional contact, thermal and electro-magnetic coupled effects, phase change and fluid-structure interaction, among others.
Addressing these challenges is a priority of the H2020 and next Horizon Europe programs.
Development of new numerical methods for the predictive design of forming manufacturing processes to achieve affordable final products with the desired functionalities. Research in this field will be carried out mainly through the following RTD Groups of CIMNE: