Severo Ochoa (SO) Seminars and Coffee Talks

SO CIMNE Coffee Talks in 2021


Virtual and augmented reality for Safety in construction
Felipe Muñoz
CIMNE/UPC (Spain) – 03/03/2021

Tdiary, human resources and knowledge management in companies. Why is it important to keep a log of employees’ activities?
Ramon Ribó
CIMNE /COMPASSIS (Spain) – 28/04/2021

Biomimetics. A new paradigm of the Circular Economy. Sustainability through renaturation
Pere Monràs
Biomimetic Sciences Institute (Spain) – 12/05/2021

Cómo no preparar una propuesta
Javier Mora
CIMNE (Spain) – 01/06/2021

34 years of CIMNE and beyond. A personal view
Eugenio Oñate
CIMNE (Spain) – 09/06/2021

πPLATES. Pilot Platform to support Predictive Land Management and Sustainability
Pere-Andreu Ubach
CIMNE/UPC (Spain) – 23/06/2021

Generalized finite difference and infiltration patterns in porous media
Daniel Santana
Jefferson International University (Mexico) – 07/07/2021

Was the Mediterranean once a desert? The Messinian Salinity Crisis: 50 years of controversy and recent advances from a modelling perspective?
Hanneke Heida
Utrecht University (Mexico) – 01/09/2021

Virtual Laboratory of Structures
Francisco Zárate and Diego E. Aguilera
CIMNE (Spain) – 29/09/2021

Research lines of AULA CIMNE – UPM ETSII
David J. Vicente and Jorge Rodríguez
CIMNE Madrid/UPM (Spain) – 27/10/2021

Open access publication: practical criteria and available tools
CIMNE Preaward Unit
CIMNE (Spain) – 10/11/2021

Public-Private Collaboration Projects (formerly Collaboration Challenges). A great opportunity to finance applied research
Fernando Salazar
CIMNE(Spain) – 24/11/2021

SO CIMNE Seminars in 2021

From low-to high-order discretisations in surrogate models for parametric CFD problems
Matteo Giacomini
CIMNE/UPC (Spain) – 24/02/2021

The P-DNS method, a multiscale approach to solve fluid dynamics problems
Juan Marcelo Giménez
CIMNE/UPC (Spain) – 24/03/2021

Get to know Horizon Europe (HE), the new EC Framework Programme, and the new CIMNE’s Preaward Unit
Cecilia Soriano, Alicia Pallarés, Marina de la Cruz, Sandra Pérez, Lucía Barbu and Fernando Salazar
CIMNE (Spain) – 21/04/2021

Shape prior metal artifact reduction algorithm for industrial 3D cone-beam CT
Chang-Ock Lee
KAIST (South Korea) – 19/05/2021

Acoustic black holes in mechanics
Oriol Guasch
URL (Spain) – 17/06/2021

The shifted boundary method for embedded solid mechanics
Guglielmo Scovazzi
Duke University (USA) – 29/06/2021

High-fidelity simulation of pathogen propagation, transmission and mitigation in the built environment
Rainald Lohner
George Mason University (USA) – 08/07/2021

Structured Low-Rank Approximation: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Ivan Markovsky
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels) – 09/07/2021

Machine learning: an engineering perspective and some applications in combination with numerical modelling
Fernando Salazar
CIMNE – 14/07/2021

The Finite Volume Method for sediment transport in rivers. Practical Applications
Ernest Bladé
CIMNE/UPC – 20/10/2021

Two-scale H(div)-conforming approximations for hybrid-mixed finite element model
Sonia Maria Gomes
Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Brazil) – 18/11/2021

A fully explicit Lagrangian Finite Element Method for highly nonlinear Fluid-Structure Interaction problems
Massimiliano Cremonesi
Politecnico di Milano (Italy) – 15/12/2021