Pre and Post Processing Software
Engineering Systems and Hardware
Inflatable pavilions, shelters and bridges for applications in engineering and architecture.
Developed by Buildair and CIMNE.
Marketed by Buildair since 2002.
Software and hardware for the intelligent management of audiovisual content and digital signage.Developed by CIMNE.
Marketed by OKTICS ATZ SL.
Fresh water production system.
Developed by CIMNE and Fresh Water Nature, Ltd.
Marketed by Fresh Water Nature, Ltd. since 2016.
Collaborative Work Platforms
Fully customizable web application that creates virtual communities where users can communicate and share. Developed and marketed by CIMNE since 2009.
Communications system and integrated services designed specifically for schools via the Internet. Developed and marketed by CIMNE since 2000.
Cloud platform to provide access and links to all kind of things and let users manager, share and interact with them. Developed and marketed by Lyncos SL and CIMNE.
Integrated software platform for the management of the research and financial activities and reports in RTD projects. Developed by CIMNE.
Web platform for free publishing and open access of scientific publications.Developed by Scipedia, S.L. in cooperation with CIMNE. Marketed by Scipedia, S.L. since 2016.
Educational Software
Educational software for interactive learning about structural design and finite element method. Developed and marketed by CIMNE.
Educational program in MATLAB for introduction to the finite element method for analysis of structures and field problems. Developed by CIMNE.
Decision Support Systems
Open source BiG Data Analytics platform for deep analysis of massive data coming from smart metering infrastructure of utility companies. Developed by CIMNE and marketed by Inergy.
Decision support tool for the risk assessment and management of environmental and human-induced hazards on the water/sediment/soil system in fluvial ecosystems. Developed by CIMNE.
An integrated platform for e-monitoring using wireless sensor network technology.
Developed by CIMNE.
Decision support system for risk assessment and managing of floods. Developed by CIMNE and Flumen.
Artificial neuronal network package. Developed by CIMNE.
Web-based platform for e-management of experimental tests.
Developed by CIMNE and Applus.
Information system for assessment of the environmental quality in reservoirs and lakes.
Developed by CIMNE.
Information system for management of energy consumption in public buildings and municipalities. Developed by CIMNE. Marketed since 2005 by Gassó Auditores SL and CIMNE.
Web-based interactive Geographic Information System.
Developed by CIMNE.
Integrated platform for robust multiobjective optimization in engineering.
Developed by CIMNE.
Simulation Software for Industrial Processes
Welding processes software.
Developed by CIMNE.
Software for sheet metal forming processes. Developed by Quantech ATZ, SA and CIMNE. Marketed by Quantech ATZ, SA since 1999.
Software for fast simulation of casting processes. Developed by Quantech ATZ in cooperation with CIMNE. Marketed by Altair since 2015.
Software able to simulate cutting processes for the metal manufacturing industry. Developed by CIMNE.
Additive manufacturing processes software. Developed by CIMNE in cooperation with Eurecat.
Forging manufacturing processes software. Developed by CIMNE.
Software able to simulate machining manufacturing processes.
Developed by CIMNE.
Simulation software for the study of the particle flow on centrifugal fertilizer spreaders. Developed and marketed by CIMNE.
Simulation Software for Multiphysics
Object-oriented software platform for the development and application of finite element codes for multidisciplinary applications. Developed by CIMNE.
Computational electromagnetics using advanced finite element methods.
Developed by CIMNE.
Analysis of propagation of fire and its effect on the burning and melting of objects.
Developed by CIMNE.
Simulation Software for Fluid Dynamics
Finite element code for analysis of a wide range of multi-physic problems in engineering and applied science. Developed by Compass Ingeniería y Sistemas, SA. and CIMNE. Marketed by Compass since 2003.
Hydrodynamics and seakeeping analysis of ships and marine structures. App for wind tower generators in the sea.Developed by Compass Ingeniería y Sistemas, SA. and CIMNE. Marketed by Compass since 2011.
Analysis of fluid dynamics and fluid-structure-soil-thermal interaction problems into the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM).
Developed by CIMNE.
Computer program for the fast simulation of parachute-payload systems. Developed and marketed by CIMNE since 2016.
Simulation Software for Structural Engineering
Finite element code for analysis of structures in engineering and architecture. Developed by Compass Ingeniería y Sistemas, SA. and CIMNE.
Marketed by Compass since 2003.
Analysis of granular systems and multifracturing problems in geomechanics and industrial processes using discrete and finite element methods. Developed by CIMNE.
Finite element code for nonlinear analysis of thermomechanical problems in solid and structural mechanics accounting for frictional contact situations. Developed by CIMNE.
Biomechanics & Health
App to control eating disorders.
Developed by HealthApp in cooperation with CIMNE. Marketed by HealthApp SL since 2014.
Developed by CIMNE.