Numexas Consortium

The NUMEXAS consortium has a well-balance distribution of expertise profiles, classified mainly in two principal categories: Institutions specialized in the development and implementation of simulation software, particularly numerical methods, to solve engineering and scientific first-class problems (CIMNE, LUH-IKM and NTUA); and institutions hosting HPC facilities, each of them with supercomputing infrastructures with different capabilities, sizes and architectures (CESCA and LUH). Finally, the partnership in NUMEXAS is completed with the participation of QUANTECH, an SME specialized in the development of simulation software applications to solve engineering problems.

A graphical description of the different types of partners and their role in the project is shown in the following figure.

The NUMEXAS Partnership at a glance

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The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n° 611636