Quantech ATZ S.A.

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Quantech ATZ S.A. (QUANTECH) is a SME software company located in Barcelona, Spain. QUANTECH provides the industry with state-of-the-art CAE simulation software applications to solve engineering problems in the fields of metal forming, optimization of casting processes, virtual testing, damage evolution of composites parts, and others, by using intensive computer-based simulation techniques. QUANTECH has become specialized in the development of custom-made applications in the field of engineering simulation software, offering clients a wide range of state-of-the-art solutions.

Related EC projects of Quantech as partner and/or coordinator: FLEXFORM, SIM-TWB or AMI-SME.

Numexas Key personnel

Mr. Javier Marcipar, Civil Engineer with wide experience in project management and the development of engineering software and IT tools. He currently is the Managing Director of Quantech and manages the software development, marketing and sales teams. He is also an expert in the development and application of the finite element method for analysis and design of industrial forming processes.

Dr. Martín Solina, Development manager for the numerical simulation software based on Finite elements technologies for the casting industry, responsible for the definition and implementation of strategies according to marketing and industrial needs. He has a wide experience in the development of numerical simulation software based on the finite element method (fluid flows problems, fluid- structure coupled problems and thermal-mechanical problems) for the casting industry. He is responsible of the developments, validation and calibration of simulation systems in the casting codes VULCAN and Click2Cast.

Dr. Fernando Rastellini, Civil Engineer. He has wide experience on the development of finite element methods for non-linear analysis of composite structures. He is responsible of the developments in the shEet metal stamping code STAMPACK.

Specific contribution to NUMEXAS

QUANTECH will participate in the definition of the specifications for the NUMEXAS interface development, interface between CAD, VULCAN, Click2Cast and STAMPACK. Industrial approach for exascale, development and evaluation of the general NUMEXAS packages, development of guidelines definition and implementation of the dissemination, demonstration and exploitation plan. QUANTECH will be the leader of WP9, dealing with specific application of the developed tools.

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The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n° 611636